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Wild Women by Design: Midlife Women's Retreat for Personal Transformation

A 5-month journey of rebirth, connection, & freedom

Jan-May 2025, punctuated by a 6-day retreat in March in Dominical, Costa Rica


Join a sisterhood of midlife women in an exclusive retreat that blends luxurious care with transformational breakthroughs, designed to help you reconnect with your inner wildness and create the life you truly desire.

Wild Women by Design

Do you hear the calling of the wild woman within?


If you’re in the midlife journey and captivated, or even curious, about Human Design, the wisdom of the Elements, and the nature of cycles in your life and you are ready to actively experiment, learn, and play with these tools to help lead you back to who you came here to be, then join us for this 5-month wraparound retreat experience. Wild Women by Design is punctuated in the middle by a 6 day retreat in the sacred landscape of Dominical, Costa Rica. It’s an empowering adventure that offers true support before and after we come together to ensure that you reclaim the wild woman within.


a group of soul sisters from around the world walking the same self-empowerment path as you, sharing the same struggles and synchronistic stories, learning with and through one another in a series of masterclasses designed to support your midlife journey. Excitement floods your body as you…

Imagine then...

meeting these women in the flesh, embracing them as you land in the pinnacle of eco-luxury–Imiloa–our jungle retreat overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Your private plane sets you here just after the Spring Equinox. It is, indeed, the perfect time for reawakening. 

Imagine the feeling of elation, of pure joy, of deep appreciation you feel as you embrace the women you’ve come to know, and together dive deeper into the energetics of you. On retreat, you become an alchemist, drawing on the magic and beauty of the jungle and the ocean to find balance and reclaim your wild. You notice a persistent smile both on your face and beaming from within as you genuinely embrace and embody alignment. Your soul sighs. You know that you are supported and guided as you make your way in  this next phase of life.

Your journey begins before you arrive…well before…

in this wraparound experience. You feel supported over 5 months through masterclasses, guided meditations and visualizations, recorded yoga classes, a 30+ page personalized guide to your human design, and women’s circles. You feel seen, held, and nurtured–things you often give, yet receiving is new. 

The journey to Costa Rica is a ritual unto itself…

at your own pace. Perhaps with a retreat bestie or solo, you land in San Jose and relax for the evening. You stroll through the Central Market for some fresh pineapple and a sweet oreja, stretch your legs finding the perfect spot for dinner, and enjoy some fun people-watching in the vibrant city before a restful sleep. 


The following morning, you take off in Imiloa’s private plane, leaving the bustle of the city behind. You notice a quiet taking root within, letting the whispers of “real life” fade into the city background. The energy of your fellow wild women wraps you in excitement and ease, and you land in Dominical with great anticipation. Upon arrival to Imiloa, you receive the welcome from Imiloa staff, are led to your room, and splay yourself on your bed as you sink deeper into the beautiful energetic space of retreat. 

Travel to Costa Rica.HEIC

Why this approach in this place?

Imiloa is a special place.

The work we have to do is special work.

You are on a special journey.


We chose Imiloa because in their words, it’s a place where, “the magic of exploration meets the heart of transformation as you reconnect with nature and yourself. When you arrive at Imiloa, you quickly recognize that it’s not just a place. It's the feeling of community, support, nourishment and love and it lives within all of us who have been touched by it.” We know that the natural world supports our spiritual journey, and being in one of the most beautiful places in the world sets you on a special path.

You will have the time and spaciousness to learn, to journal, to meditate, to rest.

We want all of this for you.

You deserve to be wrapped in luxury as you reclaim your wild and redefine who you are in this next phase of your life. 


Human Design, the natural elements, the cyclical nature of life…all of this knits together during this week in Costa Rica. 

Human Design provides the energetic map, the natural elements create the environment in which we thrive, and the exploration of cycles helps us renew our identity in this world. 

You are here for a reason.

Imagining this experience is no accident. The very possibility of you being here on this earth is 1 in 400 trillion, and yet…you are here. You are ready to imagine being cared for at a level of luxury you’ve dreamed of, but haven’t yet experienced. You are ready to redefine yourself, to make practical plans for living your life without regret, to know deeply that you are living on purpose. You are ready to meet women who support that journey, who strike a chord within you, who will become your most sacred, wildest friends. 

You dream of spaciousness…

of time to deeply explore and contemplate this life and who you truly want to be in this next phase. You dream about adventure with like-minded souls who just get you. You dream of simple moments, like scooping beach sand in your fingers in late March, or feeling the sun’s heat on your pale skin. You desire to surround yourself in beauty, to be steeped in nature, to laugh with women who understand.

Your breakthrough awaits.

It’s time to stop feeling stuck. It’s time to put yourself first. It’s time to find the women who are on the same journey and rekindle that wildness within together. 


You will be heard and witnessed, held and empowered, and ultimately inspired and transformed. You will come out of this experience a different woman than you came in–wilder, more grounded, and clear. Your understanding of yourself will deepen and expand, offering you a profound level of clarity about your future. With a physical plan of action in hand, the tools to support yourself in its unfolding, and your new soul sisters, you’re already becoming the new you. 


Feel free to book a call with Lori to answer questions and be assured it's the right fit.

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