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✨For those who know there's more out there waiting for them✨

✨For those ready to step into their higher selves ✨

✨For those who are on the precipice of meaningful change✨

      Human Design Experiment 2022 is for YOU

Image by Allef Vinicius

You were

What if getting what you want was as easy as becoming your authentic self?

Human Design provides the roadmap for manifesting your dream life. 

HDE 2022 provides a guided experience to support you on your journey. 

Leave behind old patterns, excuses, and habits that no longer serve you and step into the highest and best version of yourself. 

Are you here for it?

6 Weeks to Experiment & Transform

What does HDE 2022 look like?


Each Monday, I will launch content (video and audio) focused on the theme for the week. We will have our live calls on Thursdays to process the information, show up for accountability, and share our successes and struggles


Week 1: Introduction to Human Design, the importance of type and strategy, and how to set-up your experience for success.

Week 2: Your inner authority and the wisdom of your body

Week 3: The Pressure Centers and our first deconditioning tool--shaking.

Week 4: The Motor Centers and EFT Tapping

Week 5: The Awareness Centers and subliminals

Week 6: Successes, struggles, and a plan for the future

I'm in!

What's it like working with me?

©2021 by Lori Lisai

Zen & Grit

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